view12/9/24 8:52pm. listening to dirty work by steely dan.
in the time i spent trying to think of what to write, the song changed to showdown by electric light orchestra.
my old clarinet from high school is all sorts of unusable. i'm searching for a cheap one on facebook marketplace, so i can fulfill the tiny part of me that wonders if i could have been a master clarinetist in a different path of my life.
i'll learn to play a couple solos and probably not touch it for a year.
i was at costco earlier and while waiting for food at the food court, this guy says “i accidentally bought too many drinks, anyone want one?” (they're like 70 cents so not a huge loss), and it made me all emotional about how this is what humanity is, this is kindness, connection, community, this is the love we were meant to share with one another on this sweet earth.
in the costco food court i had all these thoughts.
this is the type of thing that lets me know that my period is approaching.
i have just a few more days of school before the official end of the semester. the gallery opening is this friday, and for some reason it's the most exciting thing ever to me. not just this one, but school shows in general.
i won't lie, i love praise. i take whatever hit to my ego that i can, since there's just so much other stuff i beat myself down for. sometimes it's the same, though, and it makes for a complicated relationship with myself.
i am realizing this entry is way more of a journal than usual.
i love to see all the work that comes out of the little shared environment that is the art wing. i love being a part of this huge mosaic. and as a lover of people and commotion, i am a big fan of gallery openings.
right now, i am procrastinating, of course. computer work doesn't feel as real, or perhaps it feels more like work.
song now is never my love by the association.